Imitation - The First Teaching Technology We quite often become complacent that technology evolves forever forward, rarely looking to practices and procedures thought to be the latest technology when they were young. Today the world of education is explod
We quite often become complacent that technology evolves forever forward, rarely looking to practices and procedures thought to be the latest technology when they were young. Today the world of education is exploding with new technology to meet our changing knowledge of how best we learn. 70-668 Yet when we read that our students and trainees learn better by watching someone perform a task than they do simply by reading how you can perform the task, we are being advised to reconsider what might have been the initial teaching technology within the good reputation for learning - imitation. Most scientists would agree that once the brains in our ancestors grew big enough to begin to understand to use tools to initiate the gradual process that would lean to mankind's dominance, a brand new challenge emerged. How do you transmit your learning to others 70-667 in your group? Nobody knows for several, but it's simple to imagine that imitation was the initial teaching technology. Whoever discovered using a bone like a club simply showed other group members how to use the bone as a tool? Early teachers were essentially early "subject matter experts."
Writing had not yet been invented so demonstration followed by imitative practice was in all probability the most well-liked, and perhaps the only real, teaching technology of times. We can further speculate that practice sessions continued until the expert "passed" the novice hunter as ready for the hunt. Following the hunt, did the expert provide feedback on how well the new hunter utilized the tool? Considering the fact that survival from the group in general was microsoft Certification determined by successful hunts, the cool thing is that feedback was part of the learning process at that time. As tools progressed, so did the abilities necessary to rely on them. It requires more skill to deal with a thrusting spear than it does to swing a golf club. Would you suppose those early teachers stopped working the performance of the entire skill into its component parts? Would you suppose they first taught their charges how to contain the spear properly, followed by how you can thrust with maximum force? Would you suppose they showed them how best to create their legs and where about the animal was microsoft where to strike? It's probable that all this stuff occurred again and again. Should you allow you to ultimately reflect on that for a moment, you might agree that in some areas not that much is different about the core of the way you learn. Note that much if not completely early learning was in reaction to problems. Today we're told to structure teaching content as best we are able to into problem-solving approaches. For early humans, relevant experience was the only measure of the need for learning. Note early man didn't learn to draw cave paintings before he learned to hunt. Survival was the most relevant experience of all. Today we are told older students and industrial trainees find learning difficult if they neglect to see relevance between what they are learning and their own life experience.